Best Real Estate Broker Elio Serpa
Elio Serpa - Real Estate Broker - Orlando FloridaElio Serpa - Real Estate Broker - Orlando FloridaElio Serpa - Real Estate Broker - Orlando Florida
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Elio Serpa - Real Estate Broker - Orlando FloridaElio Serpa - Real Estate Broker - Orlando FloridaElio Serpa - Real Estate Broker - Orlando Florida

Buy a Business

Buying a Business

Buying a business is one of the biggest life decisions you will ever have to make.

Elio Serpa specializes in helping buyers find businesses that meet their expectations. After selling hundreds of businesses, we realize that each buyer is unique from their motivation for buying a business in Florida to the level of experience they have with the process.

We also understand that the actual purchase of a business is far more complex than the desire to own part of the American dream.

For this reason, having an experienced Florida business broker guide you through the process and protect your interests is vital to successfully buying a business in Florida.

Planning to buy a business in Florida?

Buying a large business may be the most important decision you’ll ever make. Anyone can give you advice on buying a business, but only an expert can guide you through the transaction and give you the best professional advice while buying a business. That’s why more and more people are looking beyond the opinions of friends, accountants, and lawyers, when buying a business and are turning instead to a professional and trusted Florida Business Broker, Elio Serpa.

Brokering better deals

With the highest degree of integrity, ethics and professionalism, Elio Serpa goal is to augment your knowledge about your purchase and reveal your individual strengths, needs and desires. To help you understand what you’re getting into, Mr. Elio will utilize his custom buyer profile which takes the focus off the company you’re buying and places it on your capabilities. This innovative process helps eliminate bad transactions so you’ll never have to settle for acquisitions that cause you more stress than they’re worth in profits.

What are the benefits of buying an existing business?

Less Risk

With an existing business, you already know the actual performance of the business. You can look at the tax returns, profit and loss statements, etc.

Established Brand

Upon purchase, the long term benefits of any marketing, existing relationships, customer and vendor base the prior owner established, will transfer to you.

Hit the Ground Running

Buy an existing business and you can start working immediately focusing on improving and growing the business without delay.

Trained Employees

One of the most valuable and important assets of an existing company is the people. With the right team in place, you will have an easier time implementing growth strategies.

Asset Transfer

When buying an existing business, coveted assets are transferred with the sale.

Cash Flow

Typically, a sale is structured so you can cover the debt service, take a reasonable salary and have some left over to take the business to the next level. Start-ups could take a year or more to achieve a positive cash flow.

Seller Training

An owner can show you the ropes of the business, introduce you to everybody and make sure it’s a smooth transition.

Possible Owner Financing

The seller may finance a portion of the purchase price.

Improved Chance of Success

Buying an existing business can be safer than starting from scratch because start-ups have a high failure rate.

Many additional questions may arise during the buying process. Please do not hesitate to have us explain in detail any portion of this process. You will discover that, with Transworld’s assistance, you can have a successful experience purchasing and owning your own business.

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